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COVID - 19

COVID-19 exacerbated longstanding inequities across partner CSOs. The impacts of COVID-19 on the work of CSOs includes:

Sauti Dada Africa, Kenya


Because of school and church closures, many girls lost their networks of support and places to escape from FGM and early marriage. In the Rift Valley alone, an estimated 5000 schoolgirls became pregnant as a result of closures. COVID has also increased cases of domestic violence due to the need for men and women to remain at home.


Ekjut, India


The pandemic has impacted Ekjut negatively in terms of economy, livelihood and stability, yet in many ways has allowed them to identify strengths that would have otherwise been overlooked. Ekjut had always been a rights-based organisation but had to rapidly shift to a relief-based organisation during the COVID pandemic.


Casita Huaran, Peru


COVID-19 impacted communities supported by Casita Huaran through their dependence on an already fragile system – tourism consumed community activity and food systems relied on external inputs and importing. With this came a double loss of land and income.


SCS, Alaska


 COVID-19 caused a huge loss of employment and income within Sitka, especially due to the loss of tourism and herring season. In addition, the loss of income for fisherman was exacerbated by the crash of the restaurant market and a tough season in terms of catches due to the environmental impacts on fish.


HOPE, Finland


COVID exacerbated issues already faced by low-income families, including insecurity (financial and food) and child bullying.


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